- Gross area
23.5 ft² (2.18 m²) per collector
- Absorber area
21.6 ft² (2.01 m²) per collector
- Optical efficiency
80.4% (based on on absorber area)
- Weight (dry)
81.6 lbs (37 kg) for each collector
273 lbs (124 kg) for the CVBA tank with Solar-Divicon
275 lbs (125 kg) for the CVSA tank with Solar-Divicon - Installation type
Vitosol 100-FM, SVKF is designed for vertical sloped roof installation
- Additional features
Vitosol DHW Solar Pack includes two Vitosol 100-FM flat plate collectors, one Vitocell 100-W dual-mode solar hot water tank (250 or 260 L), Solar-Divicon, solar control unit and associated components.
- More details

Solar domestic hot water heating as a complete pack
Complete solar pack consisting of two Vitosol 100-FM collectors, a Vitocell 100-W hot water tank, a solar pumping station and associated components. Total absorber area: 43.3 ft² (4.02 m²). Tank capacity: 66 or 69 USG (250 or 260 L).
Energy savings
And environmental protection by heating DHW with solar energy.
Flexible installation
"No-solder" solar loop when using Viessmann flexible pre-insulated solar piping system.
Perfectly sized
For efficient DHW heating in residential applications for new construction or retrofit.
Fast and easy installation
Flush & fill ports, air-vent, shut-off & check valves, solar pump and solar control are all integrated into the Solar-Divicon.
DHW tank protected
With Ceraprotect enamelling and magnesium anode for long reliable system life.
Low heat loss
With highly effective thermal insulation.
Discontinuation notice
The Vitosol DHW Solar Pack has been discontinued in North America. If you are looking to purchase a new solar collector, please consider the Vitosol 200-FM series.
Put the sun to work for you
Efficient use of the sun's energy is now easy and affordable with the Solar Pack for domestic hot water.
The Vitosol DHW Solar Pack includes:
- Two (2) Vitosol 100-FM flat plate collectors (43.3 ft² total absorber area)
- Vitocell 100-W dual mode solar hot water tank for boiler (66 USG) or electric (69 USG) back-up
- Factory-mounted Solar-Divicon pumping-control station
- Sloped roof mounting hardware
- Tank mounted solar expansion vessel
- All required system components

Look inside the hot water tank
- Steel tank with Ceraprotect enamel coating.
- Magnesium anode.
- Immersion heater for electric reheating with CVSA tank (wet connection).
- Lower indirect coil for connecting solar collectors.
- Solar control unit.
- Solar-Divicon pumping/control station.